Jerome Thompson

About Me

Jerome is an Attendance Officer for a school district in Texas, is a licensed social worker for over 20 years, has a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice, is a Certified Domestic Violence Counselor, and is certified in family and truancy mediation. This practical guide and training workbook contains detailed information and best practices for preparing high schools, middle schools, elementary schools, alternative schools, and charter schools to identify truant students promptly. The training guide will improve attendance rates, decrease student dropout, and increase the number of students graduating.

Over his twenty years of experience working truancy cases, Jerome recognized the need for more structured training for district clerks, attendance officers, outreach specialists, and others. Jerome helped create certification training hours for current and new attendance officers, ensuring the skills and knowledge needed to do the job. He also developed training specifically for attendance and data personal, ensuring students referred for truancy intervention was appropriate.

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