School Books

How to Construct Platonic, Archimedean and Stellated Polyhedra

How to Construct Platonic, Archimedean and Stellated Polyhedra

by Lindsworth Deer, Jr

This book is intended to be a Fun semi-historical book on the history of Polyhedra, both Platonic an...

How To Pass Exams: Simple Steps To Pass Any Exam

How To Pass Exams: Simple Steps To Pass Any Exam

by Shibani Das

Are you a student, or an adult learning privately or a career professional? Are you about to sit for...

Structuring a Detailed School Plan for Absenteeism, Truancy, and Dropout Prevention

Structuring a Detailed School Plan for Absenteeism, Truancy, and Dropout Prevention

This book is a practical guide for planning strategies to address student absenteeism. It provides a...